Friday, August 15, 2008

This is Grandpa's entry--it's a close-up of our Indian corn--kind of looks like candy!
This year I entered 10 items in the Western Idaho State Fair. I entered a baby blessing dress, hat & booties which won Best of Division and a first place; my baby blanket won a first place; a white baby sweater won a second place; my cap and scarf didn't win anything. I also entered an Angel Food cake which won a first place; biscuits won a third; bread and chocolate chip cookies didn't win anything; raspberry jelly won first and strawberry jelly won a second. Grandpa also entered a picture, but he put it in the wrong category and didn't win anything. He learned more about what category to enter photos in for next year.

2008 Western Idaho Fair. Some of Judy Brothers' entries and awards.

I'm not sure what I'm doing, I might need Jessica's help, but I'm going to try and post some pictures.